The Screensaver that Saves Lives

Behaviour changing smartphone wallpapers that work as reminders to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, a very nasty disease that not only attacks us physically but also mentally.


The mobile phone, the thing people rely on the most to keep in touch with their families, friends and the news about what is going on in the world, can also be the worst source of contagion.​ ​Unbeknownst, the typical mobile user unlocks the phone around 80 times every day and touches the screen 2,617 times, according to Apple and a study by research firm Dscout. (Source: Business Insider)


That’s at least 80, and up to 2,617, extra chances of catching COVID-19. 


To raise awareness about this issue and help change people’s everyday behaviours, a London-based creative team – Renato Tata and Stefania Esposito – have created a series of temporary wallpapers called #AntiCovid19Screensaver.


“As creative individuals, we felt the responsibility to do what we can into preventing the spread of COVID-19.”


Now every time you touch the screen, the problem is literally highlighted, working as a reminder to wash your hands and disinfect your phone screen. Because washing your hands and then handling your full-of-germs phone makes washing your hands in the first place pointless.




The idea began as a peer-to-peer invitation on Instagram. Using stories, ​Renato and Stefania ​invited their friends to try this experiment. By simply taking a screenshot, everyone could grab the #AntiCovid19Screensaver and set it as a wallpaper reminder on their own devices.​ 











In just a matter of days, the ​​#AntiCovid19Screensaver​ started spreading on social media and so far the community has shown much love for the idea.

This is a creative,​ but foremost, simple and ​useful solution for something so important​ to all of us, these days. The only goal is for people to use it and spread the ​​#AntiCovid19Screensaver instead of the virus.



Renato Tata 

Stefania Esposito


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